Tiny Talk Tuesday with . . .Kathi Appelt

kathi Kathi is the author of more than 30 books. She writes novels, picture books, poetry, and nonfiction for children and young adults. Her publishing credits stem way back to 2006, stacking up a slew of writing credits under her belt. Her books have been translated into several languages: Spanish, Chinese,French and Swedish.when-otis-courted-mama

Her first novel was The Underneath, published by Simon & Schuster in 2008. It features a cat and dog who live mainly beneath an old house in the Louisiana–Texas bayou. For that work she received the annual Children’s Literature award and she was also a runner-up for the National Book Award and the American Library Association Newbery Honor Book. Her recent works include Counting Crows and When Otis Courted Mama.

She has two grown children and lives in Texas with her husband. Visit her at KathiAppelt.com.

And now the tiny talk. Enjoy!

ME:  What is your greatest accomplishment?

KATHI: Raising our two brilliant sons with my brilliant hubby.

ME:  Do you have a special talent?

KATHI: I think I’m good with cats and small children.

ME:  If you can spend a day with one of your book characters who would it be, and why?

KATHI: I’m working on a new story now, so I’m spending a lot of time with that main character.  It would be so great if she were a real person and could just tell me her story.  Then I wouldn’t have to make it up.  But . . . wait . . . that’s the fun part, making it up.

ME: Tell us five words that describes you as a writer.

KATHI: Tenacious, avid, slow, serious, muddled.

ME: Are you a Pantser or a Plotter?

KATHI: I’d say I’m a bit of both, but at the end of the day, I appreciate an outline.

I am privileged to had the chance to interview Kathi. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.

Tiny Talk Tuesday with . . .KC Maguire

jackieKC Maguire writes short fiction in the romance, mystery, science-fiction and fantasy genres. She has a particular passion for young adult and children’s books and is currently working on three young adult novels in the speculative fiction (sci-fi/fantasy) genre. Kaleigh’s flash fiction has appeared in many publications. She has three e-novellas published by Books To Go Now: Destiny, Dear John, and Ivory Tower. Her short story. She has completed the fiction writing certificate programs at UCLA and Stanford, and is currently a student in the MFA program in Writing for Children and Young Adults Vermont College of Fine Arts.

She is a member of RWA, AWP and SCBWI. She51hFNtqw82L__UY250_ loves to blog about books, writing, and to interview new authors. She’s a member of the Houston-based Space City Scribes author collective. In July of 2014, she joined the blogging team at Luna Station Quarterly, contributing interviews with women speculative fictions authors. She has lived in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, but now resides in Ohio with her family.

I have got to know KC personally through our weekly critique sessions. She has introduced me to the world of Sci-fi and I’m hooked. She also has been my buddy during the Houston and LA SCBWI conferences. I adore KC and especially that Australian accent.

I hope you enjoy our tiny talk.

ME: How do you want to be remembered?

KC: Ugh. Do I HAVE to be remembered? Wouldn’t it be more mysterious if I wasn’t?? Like, “where did all those books come from?” / “who wrote them?” I don’t know. Must have been a ghost!!

ME: I’d have to remember you.

ME: Finish this sentence. A perfect day would involve . . .

KC: Open fireplace, pot of steaming hot coffee and a pile of books to read.

ME: Sounds tempting.

ME: Tell us five words that describes you as a writer.

KC: Tenacious, precise, grammar-checker (that’s two words!), romantic, melancholy (but only when I haven’t had my pot of coffee)

ME: If you could sit and have a drink with famous author dead or alive who would it be, and why?

KC: Shakespeare. Need I say more???

ME: Go big or go home.


ME: What genre have you not written in, but would love to try?

KC: Murder mystery. Definitely. Maybe thriller, but I’d probably end up scaring myself.

ME: Well when you do I’d love to read it.

KC, thank you so much for doing the interview. I can’t wait for you to come back to Houston!!