“Road To Reviews,” Iggy Loo, Day 11

p20Where here in Montana where my morning started out at 39 degrees. Brr…just like I like it. With such a brisk morning I thought I’d explore Glacier National Park where there is over 1500 square feet of wilderness. A ranger took me to native American Speaks even though they’re closed. He felt bad I came all this way. There the tribes shared their knowledge of the history and culture of Native America. Quite interesting. I think I might come back this winter for their Ranger-led Snowshoe Walk.

I made one pit stop to The Big Dipper. Not the star but for ice cream!  I tried the Mango Habanero Sorbet. Spicy!

My last stop was to visit my friend Lara. She wanted to tell you about my new holiday book Iggy Loo but she’s not answering her door. Maybe I’ll try again later.

So I’ll tell you a bit about my book. I had spent a lifetime in my snow globe being admired by the little redhead. But more than anything, I envied the world that surrounds me and craved to experience life outside my globe. Through one shattering event I got my wish. See what happened next in my holiday picture book.

Available: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Clear Fork Publishing. Ask for it at your local book store and library.
Hard Cover $16.99
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